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Help us Build Back Better!

Updated: Sep 28, 2020

Welcome to the launch of our exciting new project, Build Back Better.

Photo shows someone putting their hand over another's hand, showing support. Their hands are on the table, in between two Galloway's mugs
Showing support, as we Build Back Better

What is Build Back Better?

During lockdown, we saw the need to adapt quickly and our new ways of delivering services have been incredibly popular and crucial to those who need them.

As we enter a new normal, this is now an opportunity for us to build on our existing successes and come back stronger and better than before.

So, we are excited to announce that we are beginning a new journey and exploring how we Build Back Better.

This is your chance to have a say on what matters to you the most. As we are not anticipating that we will return to “business as usual” for quite some time, we want to take this opportunity to review what we are doing to provide people with a better experience.

How will we be doing this?

To get your views and opinions, we will be asking for feedback through online questionnaires, holding one to one conversations with over a hundred people and running a series of online polls over the next few months.

We want your opinions on all aspects, from services and volunteering, to how we raise money to support all our services. We also want your thoughts on how we communicate with you. How could we improve our support? Would there be any new services that you would find useful? Do you have any ideas to help us reach people who need us the most?

So we have set up a dedicated Build Back Better hub - - to provide you with updates on this exciting project.

You can leave us feedback there, or email us on

This is an opportunity for us to map out our future together. This is an opportunity to explore new concepts, new initiatives and talk about what is working and what isn’t.

This is just the beginning. With your help, we can Build Back Better.

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