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Our magazine...

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Read about our services, inspiring stories, upcoming events and our incredible community of fundraisers. 

Bring Me Sunshine...

Me Sunshine...

The magazine will be available in standard print, large print, braille and audio.

Bring Me Sunshine will be produced yearly for service users, supporters and volunteers. The publication aims to keep the Galloway's community up to date with the latest news from the charity and showcase the wide range of services and support we offer. The magazine is a brilliant way to stay in touch with us and find out about upcoming events and opportunities to get involved, updates on our support and activities, and news on what our incredible fundraisers have been up to. 


Bring Me Sunshine also includes inspiring stories from people we support, as well as lots of other interesting articles and news. It's a great way to learn more about our work and to find out what it's like to live with sight loss.


We hope that Bring Me Sunshine will bring a bit of light into people's lives, and inspire them to get involved with our work. It's a fantastic way to celebrate the achievements of those we support and to keep our community connected.

We’re always looking for ideas for stories and articles for the magazine, so if you have any requests or suggestions please do get in touch.

For more information please contact


Welcome to our second edition... 

We're delighted to bring you our second edition of Bring Me Sunshine. In this edition, we have exciting news about our new project, 'Mind their Sight'. You'll find information on our upcoming fundraising events and challenges. We also have stories about fantastic things people have been doing to spread sunshine in their communities. 


So, sit back, relax, and enjoy Bring Me Sunshine's second edition!

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We respect your personal information and your privacy and will not share or sell your information to other organisations.  For more about how we collect, use and look after your details, please read our full Privacy Policy

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